Ziegler marketing insures your property receives the maximum possible exposure to potential prospects. Insuring you receive full value for your property is about supply and demand. National brokers utilize “their” database and either do not co-operate properly or at all. Your property is not available to other broker’s active buyers, drastically shrinking your buyer pool and reducing demand. Think about this. Ziegler has “their” database as well, reaching these same principals very effectively, but with Ziegler you get much more.
We create more exposure than traditional brokers with industry leading internet marketing, e-marketing, and multiple marketing systems. This exposure creates even more demand by proper “full co-operation” with all the brokers and agents around the country. This is an interesting market that requires breaking from the old school of marketing. Some known buyers in the databases are on the side line and new buyers are entering the market every day. Do you want one company’s database and relationships, or thousands of broker’s and agents databases and relationships? “Extreme, targeted exposure casting the widest net possible is what’s working in this cycle.
We create more exposure than traditional brokers with industry leading internet marketing, e-marketing, and multiple marketing systems. This exposure creates even more demand by proper “full co-operation” with all the brokers and agents around the country. This is an interesting market that requires breaking from the old school of marketing. Some known buyers in the databases are on the side line and new buyers are entering the market every day. Do you want one company’s database and relationships, or thousands of broker’s and agents databases and relationships? “Extreme, targeted exposure casting the widest net possible is what’s working in this cycle.